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Valuing Your Business

Valuing Your Business

A business valuation helps to determine the fair market value of a company and may be needed for a variety of reasons such as buying or selling a business, transferring equity, developing an estate plan or purchasing insurance. In this video, we’ll cover why you might need a valuation and the common methodologies used to determine value.
Leveraging a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust

Leveraging a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust

The lifetime gift tax exemption is at an all-time high of $11.7 million per individual and $23.4 million per couple but may be reduced in the near future by potential legislation. This video provides an overview of the Spousal Lifetime Access Trust and how it can help couples maximize their lifetime gift tax exemption.
House Ways and Means Committee Proposed Tax Changes

House Ways and Means Committee Proposed Tax Changes

The House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee recently released draft legislation that would increase taxes to help pay for the proposed $3.5 trillion spending package. In this video, we briefly cover some of the more important proposed tax changes.
Tax Benefits of Opportunity Zone Funds

Tax Benefits of Opportunity Zone Funds

The proposed plan to increase long-term capital gains tax rates has motivated investors to seek opportunities to defer and reduce capital gains taxes. Opportunity Zone Funds have been increasing in popularity because of their ability to defer and reduce capital gains. Watch now to learn more about Opportunity Zone Funds.
10 Recruiting Strategies for a Tight Labor Market (Part 2)

10 Recruiting Strategies for a Tight Labor Market (Part 2)

Recruiting is one of the most important functions of any company, especially in a tight labor market. In this second of a two-part series, we will cover 5 more tips and strategies to help improve your success in attracting and hiring qualified candidates for your company.
Advance Child Tax Credit Payments

Advance Child Tax Credit Payments

The American Rescue Plan expanded the Child Tax Credit and provided a mechanism for families to receive advance payments for the credit. In this video, we will provide an overview of the Child Tax Credit and the advance payments that will begin this summer.
The Qualified Business Income Tax Deduction

The Qualified Business Income Tax Deduction

The Qualified Business Income (QBI) Deduction can reduce an individual’s tax liability on pass-through income by as much as 20% of taxable business income from the entity. Here’s a great 3-minute video to find out more.


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